
Global Market Outlook Launch 2020-2024 at the Global Solar Market Outlook Launch Conference 2020

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This is the session launch the Global Market Outlook 2020-2024 – What to expect from solar as the lowest cost power generation technology at the start of the new decade?

Michael Schmela – Executive Advisor at SolarPower Europe presents the newest results. SolarPower Europe’s latest Global Market Outlook provides details and a 5-year forecast on solar PV developments around the globe. This session includes a solar quiz, the presentation of the GMO’s key findings, followed by a Q&A.

Intersolar Europe as part of The smarter E and SolarPower Europe organized the Global Solar Market Outlook Launch Conference (June 16–18, 2020), a virtual event that will provide an update on the latest solar developments and 5-year markets forecasts. While solar is increasingly the lowest cost and fastest growing power generation technology in the world, the sector has been impacted heavily by COVID-19. After a presentation of the GMO 2020-2024 findings, high-profile panels will discuss the market developments and the COVID-19 impacts. We have also invited executives of the leading solar markets’ industry associations to give first-hand insights and discuss with the audience their views on solar demand in their countries.
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