Gore Capitalism: Borderization and Live Regime, With Sayak Valencia, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

174 Aufrufe
"The talk will be divided in three parts. First, I will make a brief summary of what I understand to be the concept of Gore Capitalism (see Sayak Valencia, Gore Capitalism, MIT Press, 2018). Despite being formally theorized in a different context, I emphasize how the concept continues to be quite generative in illuminating linkages between explicit violence and drug trafficking, ten years later after its coinage.

Second, I reflect on ‘borderization’ as a form of governance that is simultaneously manifested in our everyday realities and atrociously grounded in the geopolitical.

Finally, I will unfold the linkages between Fascism 2.0 and what I denominate as Live Regime, and I posit that these linkages become intensified under the new realities of COVID-19 and g-lotaritism."

Sayak Valencia (Tijuana, BC, Mexico, 1980) holds a PhD in Critical Theory and Feminist Theory from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Valencia is a poet, writer and performance artist. In addition, Valencia is a professor and researcher in the Department of Cultural Studies at Colegio de la Frontera Norte, and a researcher at CONACYT—national research center of science and technology. Sayak Valencia has given conferences in a diversity of topics, including: borders, violence, narcoculture, Gore Capitalism, transfeminisms, Chicano feminism, post-colonial feminism and queer theory in universities across the globe. Valencia has published a generous number of articles in scholarly journals from across the globe, including: Spain, Germany, France, Poland, Mexico, Argentina and the United States.

Curator: Eithne Luibheid (UArizona Gender & Women’s Studies)
Translator: Mariana Manriquez (UArizona Sociology)
Videographers: Marcos Vidal and Andrés Omar

Dra. Valencia's lecture is in Spanish with English captions. For further accessibility, please see the open access translated transcript of the lecture here: https://sawyerseminar.arizona.edu/sites/sawyerseminar.arizona.edu/files/docs/Sayak%20Valencia%20Lecture%20Translation%20Script.pdf

Capitalismo Gore: fronterización y régimen live
"La conferencia está organizada en tres partes, primero haré un breve repaso de qué entiendo por Capitalismo Gore (ver Sayak Valencia, Capitalismo Gore, Melusina, 2010) y cómo una década después puede tener sentido para interpretar cuestiones distintas a lo que originalmente fue su objetivo: pensar la violencia explícita en México en relación con el narcotráfico.

En segundo lugar hablaré sobre la Fronterización como una forma de gobierno que se extiende en nuestros días más allá de la geopolítica pero que se verifica atrozmente en ella.

En tercer lugar hablaré sobre el fascismo 2.0 y su relación con lo que yo denomino régimen live, conceptualización que se verifica en nuestra “nueva normalidad” por el COVID-19 y g-lotaritarismo."

Sayak Valencia (Tijuana, BC, México, 1980). Doctora en Filosofía, Teoría y Crítica Feminista, con Mención Europea, por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Poeta, ensayista y exhibicionista performática. Profesora Investigadora Titular B en el Departamento de Estudios Culturales del Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Centro de Investigación CONACYT. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel 1. Ha dictado conferencias y seminarios sobre: fronteras, violencia, narcocultura, Capitalismo Gore, transfeminismos, feminismo chicano, feminismo poscolonial, arte y teoría queer en diversas universidades de Europa y el continente americano. Entre sus obras recientes se incluyen: Gore Capitalism (Semiotexte /MIT 2018), Capitalismo Gore (Paidós, 2016 y Melusina, Barcelona, 2010), Adrift's Book (Aristas Martínez, Badajoz, 2012), El reverso exacto del texto (Centaurea Nigra Ediciones, Madrid 2007), Jueves Fausto (Ediciones de la Esquina / Anortecer, Tijuana 2004), así como una treintena de artículos académicos y capítulos de libros en revistas de España, Alemania, Francia, Polonia, México, Argentina, los Estados Unidos, Colombia, entre otros.


This lecture "Gore Capitalism: Borderization and Live Regime" is part 3 in a series with The University of Arizona Sawyer Seminar "Neoliberalism at the Neopopulist Crossroads."

"Neoliberalism at the Neopopulist Crossroads" is a cross-disciplinary, collaborative inquiry that re-examines prevailing theories of neoliberalism’s intellectual histories, political imaginations and cultural practices in light of the recent turn toward right-wing populisms around the world.

The seminar is organized around seven themes that offer a vantage point on the neoliberal/populist articulation: genealogies, media, borders, race, subjectivity, religion, and art. These vantage points are applied to three global border zones: North and Latin America, Europe and North Africa/Middle East, India and greater South Asia.

This Sawyer Seminar is generously funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
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