GREATEST Bitcoin Masterplan 2021 (Is XRP Involved?)

131 Aufrufe
It’s no secret that El Salvador is making Bitcoin legal tender. News of Bitcoin being accepted as a legal form of payment in this Central American country hit the interwebs like a tsunami. On every major news outlet, we’re seeing pictures of Bitcoin ATMs, articles about using volcanoes and geothermal energy to mine Bitcoin, and even memes where everyone in El Salvador is driving a Lambo.

How is Bitcoin really going to work as a payment system? Today we’re going to discuss how we think Bitcoin payments can happen in El Salvador, and in the other countries that might soon follow in El Salvador’s footsteps. Are we on the way toward seeing Bitcoin as a currency?

00:00 Intro
01:14 El Salvador BTC Adoption
02:37 Transactions Solutions
03:39 Strike
05:06 UTrust
06:01 NANO
06:59 XRP

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