Greatest Crypto Careers In 2021 (EXACTLY How to Work In Cryptocurrency)

176 Aufrufe
So you want to get rich in crypto and realize it's the next big industry, why not work in it? Oh, but you don’t know how to work in cryptocurrency? You can start by leveraging your current talents and if that doesn’t work, learn a new craft. Jobs in crypto are on the rise and employers are always looking for people with blockchain experience. Even if you don’t have technical experience or knowledge, you can always search for blockchain jobs that don’t require these skills.

Today we are going to discuss jobs in cryptocurrency and how you can make that sweet sweet crypto! Just make sure it’s during a bull run and not a bear market unless you are getting paid in USDC.

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00:00 Intro
01:09 Be a YouTuber
02:20 Be coder or miner
03:11 Be a leader/SkillShare
04:55 Leverage your talents
05:56 Where to find jobs

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