Grounded due to the Corona virus outbreak - Microlight Aircraft and Light Sport Aircraft - S02 E05

243 Aufrufe
Like a lot of other GA and commercial pilots around the world, I'm grounded too because of the temporary shutdown of my home airport, due to the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19). See full description for more info...

The world is a crazy, crazy place, at the moment... :-/

Where the outbreak of the Corona virus a few months ago was something that 'just happened' at the other side of the world, today it's part of everyday life here in The Netherlands! It still is very surreal, having to stay inside as much as possible, canceling social events and avoiding proximity to others.

Our government still didn't choose to execute a total lock down of our country (situation on March 21st). However, they ordered the shutdown of all universities, schools, bars and restaurants and forbid all social events with crowds larger than 100 people.

Our airspace is still open to all traffic, however increasingly more airports shutdown, in fear of spreading the virus among volunteers and travelers. My home airport, Drachten Airport (EHDR) too.

Of course, closing down my home airport is the least of our problems, right? Let's hope that we all stay healthy and safe and this virus dissipates a.s.a.p...

Stay safe, my friends!


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Ever since I received my pilot license, I shared my passion for aviation with a lot (and I mean a lot!) of passengers! Because I enjoy sharing my aviation passion so much, I would like to share it with the rest of the world too! But since taking on 7 billion people as my passenger isn't really practical, sharing my passion via YouTube is... ;)

Where a lot of aviation channels on YouTube focus on General Aviation at the west side of the Atlantic, my channel focuses on Light Sport Aviation in Europe, primarily Holland and Germany. Light Sport Aircraft are also known as 'Microlight Aircraft' or 'Ultralight Aircraft'.

The reason I make these videos is to exchange aviation stories and learn and improve by sharing. And because I love to share!
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