Gutfeld on the media uproar over Trump's Georgia phone call

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closeVideoHappy New Year.Same as the old year. Cue the dolt who says this is far worse than Watergate!         It’s the latest media hoax. That "mob boss" Trump demanded Georgia's secretary of state to invent enough votes to reverse the state's results. The hoax relies on you not hearing the whole audiotape in which Trump asks that they look into allegations of illegality that could have denied him real votes.    What you have is another cut and paste media ruse -- A Covington kid special:  if you don't see the context, you agree with the lie. But listen to the whole thing and you find that Trump’s just a pissed off coach arguing with the umps over a bad call that cost the series.  He's me -- when I don't get what I ordered from Grub Hub. He's teed off. But he's no "mob boss." Worse: he's an outsider, looking in -- curious as to why no one cares.More from OpinionJanice Dean: The tragic rise of Andrew Cuomo amid COVID-19 -- a real American crisisLiz Peek: Georgia Republicans, vote against Pelosi and Schumer in Senate runoff racesMichael Goodwin: Trump's last stand – how will final days impact Georgia Senate runoffs? As former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Rick Grenell tweeted: Raffensperger and his team were unsure of the facts and dismissive of finding the truth soon. Trump senses, as we all did, an establishment against him, against all of us. He may not be right on the evidence, but his gut tells him -- from past experience -- he could be. After all, these clowns spent 4 years trying everything under the sun -- including the son -- to oust him,  which means fraud's AOK. I mean, he is Hitler! Now, some of the stuff Trump mentioned has been debunked. But his curiosity as to why leads aren’t followed is based on the obvious fact that an overzealous, scornful establishment would do anything to beat him  -- and, that few have the courage to defend him. So he does it himself. So that’s what you hear from the call. And what the media hid.  They chose select words to shape a lie that makes them even less trustworthy than before. If that’s even possible.
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