Hans Henrik Christensen, VP Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA) - Building Dubai Tech Hub

176 Aufrufe
Hans Henrik Christensen is an accomplished senior level leader and Vice President of Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority (DSOA). With more than 20 years international operational expertise in general management and corporate innovation, Hans Henrik Christensen successfully acted as CEO for three companies and today leads the award-winning corporate business innovation and venture investment department with a team of 20 employees and a record setting 900 start-ups as tenants, called Dtec.

Hans Henrik Christensen’s career is highly recognised, winning 10 awards and creating the biggest and most profitable tech hub in MENA. Exploring challenging chief executive positions.

Hans Henrik Christensen Questions

1. An introduction from you - background, overview, education...
2. You finished recently researching and PHD studies. Can you tell us about it?
3. Coming from Denmark and the Nordics, studying in USAm working in Latin America and now in Dubai, UAE and the Middle East, which major cultural background things and differences did you find?
4. Can you tell us about DSO - Dubai Silicon Oasis?
5. You are a member of the DSOA Smart City Committee and of the DSOA Dubai Islamic Economy taskforce. Can you tell us about it?
6. The DSO has been building an ecosystem of companies and innovation in Dubai. Can you tell us about its history, some numbers and present focus?
How big is the DSO ecosystem?
7. Which sectors and industries are stronger in the startup sector and business network in Dubai, Middle East and its neighbours in North Africa?
8. For investors and companies from all over the world what are the most important and strength, things they can find in DSO?
9. How do you see the biggest challenges when it comes to the startup and business world, special when it comes to the concepts of Society 5.0 - 4IR and all areas of digital transformation, special in the context of DSO and UAE?
10. With Covid-19 what ways do you envision to redesign our society? Especially now with all new developments in technology and social empowerment and related impact?

Hans Henrik Christensen Links And Resources


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