Has COVID-19 finally improved focus on the importance of hygiene & infection control in endoscopy?

150 Aufrufe
Dated: July 08, 2020

Join us to learn about the latest updates regarding the position statement of ESGE and ESGENA on GI endoscopy with regards to the constantly evolving market situation in light of #COVID19. Discover also how the focus has changed and shifted towards hygiene and infection control and learn what is needed to implement improvements from the clinician, nurse and reprocessing perspectives.

Expert Speakers:
- Ulrike Beilenhoff - ESGENA Scientific Secretary, Endoscopy Nurse, Germany
- Prof. Cesare Hassan - Head of GI endoscopy department at Nuovo Regina Margherita Hospital Rome, Italy
- Paul Julius Caesar - Reprocessing and Infection Control Leader EMEA, PENTAX Medical
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