Has italy overtaken china regarding covid corus we lea.rn from this for other coun

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Has italy overtaken china regarding covid corus we lea.rn from this for other coun
So uhm yeah Italy is hard hit and the Netherlands is too were relatively speaking in the top 5. Were not doing that much better than Italy. Predictions are actually that the U.S. will also be hard hit and surpass the Netherlands and Italy. Problem is we dont know for sure, because well you know Trump and tting kits. Spain is also doing poorly. Im saying this up front, some things for the moment simply cannot be changed or take a very long time to implement. A big part is down to socio ecomic make up of these nations and not to mention .. incompetent governance is partially to blame too. Trade Links One of the biggt reason that Italy is hard hit is simply because it has a lot of trade links with China. The Netherlands likewise do too with Italy. Livelihoods depend on that trade, so its not simple to put up effective measures there other than quarantine non essentials for four days. Socio ecomics One of the biggt reason it hit hard in Italy is the socio ecomic make up of Italy. Lets face it Italy has a lot of young folks living together with their elderly parents and this mix makes spread of the disease to vulnerable groups easy, hence the high number of fa.talities. Its been like that for decades in Italy and for cultural as well as ecomic reasons is not likely to change you cant build lots and lots of hom all of the sudden, land is expensive there. Coincidentally the province of North Brabant in the Netherlands also has a lot of singles living with their elderly parents, as does Spain due to the 08 ecomic crisis, as does the U.S. actually particularly in the densely populated areas in the east and south. Governance The Dutch government and the Italian government shows itself as a weak uncentralised government. They both took measures to spread the patients over hospitals, where as countries like Taiwan and China took efforts to keep it coentrated and isolated. So yeah there I said it, those central governments are dumb as horsesht. Remember patients infect caretakers too, who infect other people thats how it spreads. The hospital of Groningen in the Netherlands actually took measures to get the entire staff tted in spite of central government guidelines. Budget . and Conservatives Part of the reason why more people in relative terms are surviving the agressive form in say countries like Germany is because they have more IC units per capita. Italy has far less, the Netherlands has even less than Italy. Thats all down due to decades long of government cutbacks under co.nservative politicians rule Italy has Lega Nord to blame, the Netherlands VVD and CDA and FVD, German CDU is way better in that respect than its Dutch counterpart. Aside from social distancing, keeping it coentrated and isolated, getting tts, doing a lockdown, if you really want to do things long term, do some very thorough thinking in who you vote for coming next election not those right wing cutback politicians or nutjo like a Trump, Berlusco, Baudet. But you may not have too. Why? Because hey you might be de. Apparently to die is easier than to actually think things through.
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