How Did COVID-19 Affect United Kingdom? #adtalks //Defne Deniz Boz & Will Dorling

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In this video AdColony's Team Lead of Inudstry Managers Defne Deniz Boz and U.K Director of Brand Sales Will Dorling are talking about how did pandemic affected the U.K's mobile world, communication with the customers of the U.K sales team, which industries are more affected and what actions were taken about this topic.

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Bu videomuzda, Team Lead of Inudstry Managers Defne Deniz Boz and U.K Director of Brand Sales Will Dorling COVID-19'un U.K bölgesini dijital alanda genel olarak nasıl etkilediğinden, en çok hangi endüstrilerin etkilendiğinden ve bu konuda aldıkları önlemlerden bahsediyorlar.
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