How to build ethical Super Teams by Clinton Wingrove

242 Aufrufe
Create your ‘new normal'
The purpose of this event is twofold. First to share leadership insights from local business leaders on what the ‘new normal’ means to them and second to provide insights to individuals and organisations on how they can implement their new normal.

Businesses are increasingly realising the importance of balancing profitability with ethics. Companies that take an ethical approach are more highly regarded, helping them win loyal customers and attract and retain the best talent, which in turn drives profitability.

The foundation is a strong, vibrant, ethical workplace culture, where people treat each other with respect, fairness and compassion and have a clear sense of purpose and responsibility. This makes staff happier, healthier, more engaged and more creative, leading to a 20-30% improvement in individual and team performance. This doesn’t happen by accident – it has to be consciously developed and nurtured throughout the organisation.
The dislocation and disruption caused by Covid-19, provides us with an opportunity to make a step change in workplace culture and create a ‘new normal’ where Reading is seen as a place where businesses balance people with profit, reward ethical behaviours, prioritise environmental sustainability and are inclusive and caring.

Come and join us on this journey to #rgduk #RebootReading
with more caring, sustainable, ethical workplaces and communities.
Our Partners & Supporters:

#EthicalReading #NewNormal #SuperTeamBuilding #EthicalTeam #ClintonWingrove

About Speaker: Clinton Wingrove

Clinton has 40+ years international experience in management, ‘C-suite’ executive, and consulting roles has encompassed the UK, the USA, Barbados, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Clinton is also an author, publisher and international speaker. His personal passion continues to be “Optimizing individual and team productivity, performance, and development” and his personal motto is, “Don’t be miserable; too many people are better at it.”
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