How To Fix Any Game Crash Using Steam I 2016 Windows 10,8 and 7

252 Aufrufe
This is how to fix any crash problem. If your having an image error load. Most likely you'll have to install all versions of the game. For Black Ops 1 that is both the Multiplayer and Zombies.
As for the tutorial itself, it goes through a basic rundown in how to fix the common errors of games crashing on startup, you can easily fix either by verify intregity of the gamecash, which you find my right clicking the game in steam, and click properties. Or you can delete the actual gamecache by going into, Steam, and deleting Gamecache, this will delete all previous settings and history of that game.
Anyway that is how to fix the basic crash errors on steam. ive been getting this quite alot and had to make this fix. As well just a tip often Anti-Viruses may clash with Multiplayer games, so be sure to disable it's firewall if you get this problem
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Thankyou my lovin Panda's Pece
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