How To Fix Witcher 3 Next Gen Launch Issues | GameSpot

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The Witcher 3 launches in a messy state once again, PlayStation announces its December Plus Extra and Premium titles, and Unreal Tournament 3 is back.
#Gaming #CDProjektRed #TheWitcher

Today, we are all Poe Dameron learning the Emperor is back, because somehow, the Witcher 3’s technical issues have returned.

When the game launched in 2015, there were several massive bugs plaguing players at the time that eventually got ironed out with patches and updates. Now that the game’s next gen update is out, it’s like we’re living 2015 all over again, as this new version of the game seems just as problem laden.

Fortunately, it seems as if you’re playing the update on console, like myself, you’re for the most part in the clear, although I have had some minor visual bugs like texture pop in and issues around the photo mode. But on PC, it’s a different story, wobbly framerates, strange HUD glitches, and outright crashes, affecting even those with the beefiest of rigs.

Fortunately on PC, it’s relatively easy to rollback to the previous version of the game. If you’re on Steam, all you need to do is right click on the game in your library, click on properties, then Betas, and select the classic beta branch. Some redditors suggest turning off some optional settings such as ray-tracing, before rolling back to see if that helps, specifically with framerate hitches.

CD Projekt Red has officially stated that it is aware of the issues, that it is actively looking into them, and will be putting out another update as soon as possible.

Like I said, if you’re playing on a console like the PlayStation 5, you should have a relatively bug free experience, but in case you want to give the game some time in an abundance of caution, new games are being added to PS Plus’ Extra and Premium tiers to keep you busy.

After taking a year off, WWE’s 2K franchise returned in 2022 in mostly fighting form, with WWE 2K22, reemerging with a strong foundation and an overhauled gameplay system. However, PlayStation is slightly cheating calling this a December edition, as unlike the rest of the lineup that will be added to the two bonus ties of PS Plus on December 20, WWE 2K22 won’t be available there until January 3 2023.

On December 20, fans of the Far Cry franchise are in for a treat, as both Far Crys 5, Primal, and New Dawn will be coming to the service, as well as RGG Studios games Yakuza: Likea Dragon, Judgement, and Yakuza 6.

Remember, these games are a part of PlayStation Plus’ Extra and Premium tiers. December games for its base Essential tier, which are available now, include Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, Biomutant, and Divine Knockout. Head to GameSpot dot com for the full list of Extra and Premium titles

If you’re looking for something to play on PC, Epic Games has announced that its seminal arena shooter Unreal Tournament 3 is being rebranded as Unreal Tournament 3 X and will be releasing as a free to play shooter on platforms like Steam, the Epic Games Store, and GoG, with crosssave and play.
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