How to Repair Windows 10 Upgrade Error 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C

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How to Repair Windows 10 Upgrade Error Code 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C

The Error Code 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C is caused by an installed program that is not compatible with Microsoft Windows 10. The incompatible application prevents you to upgrade your OS to Microsoft Windows 10, and will continue to do so until the issue is resolved.

Other causes of this error are the following:

- Out of date or no longer supported software can cause this error to occur.
- Device drivers that are not up to date or no longer compatible.
- Computer might pick up a malware along the way and might be preventing the upgrade.

If error code 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C is not rectified, you’ll not be able to proceed with your Windows 10 upgrade.

Fortunately, there are 3 easy methods that you can try to fix 0x80070070–0x50011 error. You might need to try each of these methods and see which one will work.

Method 1: Check Application Compatibility

Use the get Microsoft Windows 10 application on your computer to check its compatibility, follow the steps below to run the check.

1. Look at the task bar, to the right; you will see an icon for Microsoft Windows 10, right click the icon. Locate the option in the menu to check the status of your upgrade. This will open an app for getting Microsoft Windows 10.

2. Next you will see 3 lines on top of one another in the upper left side, this will open a drop down menu, once you have this menu open, locate the option to check the compatibility of your computer.

3. Microsoft Windows will then run a check of your entire computer to check for compatibility with Microsoft Windows 10. Once it has finished its check, a pop up window will display whether or not your computer will work with Microsoft Windows 10, and will also display a list of any hardware and software that are not compatible with the upgrade.

4. This may not catch everything and there may still be incompatible programs so the previous steps, though time consuming may still be necessary.

Method 2: Uninstall the Incompatible Application

Once the incompatible applications are discovered, use the control panel to remove/uninstall them. The steps are below:

1. Locate your computer’s Control Panel.
2. Choose the option that says “Programs”
3. From the options available, select the ‘Programs and Features’ link.
4. Locate the app in the queue or menu.
5. Right click and choose the uninstall option.

Method 3: Use an Automatic Repair Tool

If after following these steps and the problem is still not corrected, download and install an automated tool for a quick fix.

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