IMA Mathematics 2020 Online Series - Week Three - Privacy-enhancing Technologies

145 Aufrufe
For a number of years, the IMA has been running a series of conferences to promote mathematics with the aim of demonstrating to both mathematicians and non-mathematicians the many uses of modern mathematics.

This summer, due to Covid19, IMA Mathematics 2020 was transformed into a series of online events. Nigel Smart from KU Leuven presented the second talk of the Week 3 IMA Mathematics 2020 Online Series. His talk was on 'Privacy-enhancing Technologies.'

“I will discuss how the technology of MPC and FHE is changing the way people process data, by allowing them to compute on data whilst it is “encrypted”. I will also discuss a number of use cases of the technology. The talk will not go into technical details, and thus you do not need to understand any cryptography for the talk."

The IMA Mathematics 2020 Online Series has been organised in collaboration with the Newton Gateway to Mathematics.
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