ISIS operative arrested in Delhi; EC rules for polls during COVID | Top Headlines | 22 Aug

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1. High alert issued in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. The Delhi police have arrested ISIS operative after an exchange of fire. Two improvised explosive devices and pistol have been recovered from him. The police claimed that the arrested was the lone wolf operative who had his own plans attack.

The NSG and Bomb disposal squad is analysing the Improvised explosive devices which they have recovered from the ISIS operative. Mirr Now's Alok reports, Abdul Yusuf has been sent for eight days of police custody. It is suspected that he was planning to execute terror attacks in Delhi or NCR during the time of festivals.

2. The election commissioner has issued guidelines for polls which will be conducted amid the pandemic. The nomination filing will be done online. For the first time, the candidate will also deposit security money online.

The number of people including the candidate door-to-door campaign will be limited at 5 and not happy with the election commission guilines, the Congress party has said that the fear that falls short conduct free fair and independent elections and ensuring smooth conduct of the poll in free, non-partisan fair fashion without giving undue advantage to the ruling party.

3. The Facebook has once again found itself amidst the controversy and this time over hate speech by BJP. The Facebook has responded stating that it is an open, transparent organization. The organization also defended its employees from threats about bias in India.

VP of Facebook India has in a statement mentioned that we denounce hate and bigotry in any form and has taken down 22.5 Million pieces of Hate speech in Q2 in 2020.

The case turned pretty serious after Congress leader K C Venugopal wrote a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over its leadership in India, when the giant didn’t react on the hate speech by BJP.

4. The Adani group has roped in Flughafen Munchen GmbH, a German firm to operate three of the Adani’s airports in India. The firm won the contract in a privatization bid.

The firm may maintain airports of Ahmedabad, Mangalore and Lucknow. The firm is currently responsible for managing the Munich airport in Germany. The contracts were put out by Adani in July and they are O&M contracts.

According to the sources, The Adani soon maybe managing/running the Mumbai airport as well, which is currently run by GVK. However, the news has not been finalized yet and is something that is still in its offing.

5. The Department of Telecommunications has left the decision in the hand of Supreme Court about the liability of AGR dues.

The apex court has asked the DoT secretary to file an affidavit on the AGR dues to be paid by the users of shared spectrum and the DoT is also supposed to file a reply on the past AGR dues. The top court has asked different companies if the AGR had already been paid by spectrum users as per the court’s order.

Aircel and Videocon have already traded spectrum with Airtel. The court has made it clear that the firms using Spectrum are liable to pay the dues.

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