Java After 11

127 Aufrufe
Sprecher: Nicolai Parlog
Aufgenommen: 2021-07-14

00:00:00 Begrüssung
00:02:56 Vortrag
01:15:06 Fragen und Antworten

Most projects that updated past Java 8 decided to stick to the LTS release 11. The new cadence created the illusion of not much happening after that, but nothing could be further from the truth - with new language features like switch expressions, text blocks, records, and sealed classes, Java is moving faster than ever.

In this talk, we'll take a simple Java 11 code base, update it to 16, and refactor it to use the new language features and APIs. You'll be surprised how much the code changes!

Nicolai (aka nipafx) is a Java enthusiast focused on language features and core APIs with a passion for learning and sharing - in articles, newsletters, and books; in tweets, videos, and streams; in demo repos and at conferences - more on all of that on He's a Java Developer Advocate at Oracle and organizer of Accento. That aside, he's best known for his haircut.

Twitter: @nipafx

Organisiert von: Java User Group Switzerland
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