Jaws of Extinction HOTFIX day 3

158 Aufrufe
It would NOT be advisable to use old saves on this build, pre and to delete old game saves. Please start a fresh game.
Moscow, Berlin, Singapore, Washington DC, London. The radio’s are still working, but there is no one left to use them. The only confirmed safe haven is Eden-Nadir, an island off the coast of the United States of America and headquarters to Thanatos Pharmaceuticals.

Thanatos pioneered a miracle treatment, designed to be a universal cure for deadly diseases such as AIDS, Cancer. However, the best of intentions became the worst of consequences when it was released that the cure had a devastating side effect. The fungi used in the engineered cure (Ophiocordyceps unilateralis) began uncontrollably spreading through the bodies of its hosts. Upon reaching the brain, it would feed and destroy the parts responsible for cognition. Only by keeping part of the host’s brain alive, the malignant fungal infection would control it’s host with the singular interest of proliferating its noxious spores.

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PC Specs
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X
32GB LXP Black 3200Mhz Memory
RTX 2060 Super
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