Jim and Terry Show Ep 223 Back To Skyping Through The Pandemic

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God and Guns? Do these 2 mix? Keith from the UK sings this, with Kevin adding more part way through. Wigmore Allen Gibbons stirring up the question of the justification for war using religion as a pretext.

What do we know about the lingering after-effects of Covid-19? Terry shares a little story - a tale of suffering for months and months - after someone he knows came in contact with the virus and ended up not suffering much initially, only to suffer more in the long-term. Message: Stay safe, wear masks, and safely social distance!!

And what about Alexei Navalny in Russia? What a brave soul, returning to Russia after recovering from a Putin-ordered poisoning! He recovered in Germany, but wanted to return and he was arrested upon his arrival. A protestor? Opposition leader? Catalyst in opposition and trying to move Russia past Putin's corruption? Would you return to a country whose government tried to assassinate you?

Lots to poke around during our conversation this morning.
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