Joko in Berlin - Risalah Nafas (10 Indie Band Collaboration in Covid 19 Pandemic)

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#jokoinberlin #risalahnafas

Di tengah pandemic Covid 19 ini, thank you banget udah dikasih kesempatan untuk ikutan movement bareng temen2 untuk menyuarakan suara hati kita sebagai musisi...
Walaupun kita mesti menghadapi New Normal... Stay Safe Temans....!!!

Ekoda @ekodaofficial
Superiots @superiots_official
Unio @unio_id
Child Out @childout_official
Antartik @antartick_official
Grassrock @grassrock
Goblocks @goblocksband
MG 12 @12mg.official
Muv On @muvonindonesia

Song : Popo Fauza @popofauza
Lyric : Fran Rabit @franrabit
Mixing & Mastering : Willy Subakti @subaktiwilly
Video : Andrihuns @andrihuns


Hanya mampu berbaring
Tak berguna berpaling
Bola mata memandang
Brita derita tak sirna

Risalah lapar
Mata terpejam
Dan tegar

Ingin melangkah
Hirup udara hidup

Must we wait another day
Will you ever go away
You're unwelcomed u can't stay

Memohon pencegahan
Ahli medis bertindak
Patuhi himbauan
Perintah pemerintah

Risalah nafkah
Risalah nafas

Ingin keluar
Cari sesuap

Must we wait another day
Will you ever go away
You're unwelcomed u can't stay

I can't wait another day
I'll be living for today
Let's survive another day
As u stay, who's down to pay
Let's evolve to revolve

Risalah nafkah
Perihal nafas
Berikan nafkah
Derita nafas

Must we wait another day
Will you ever go away
You're unwelcomed u can't stay

I can't wait another day
I'll be living for today
Must we wait another day
Will you ever go away
You're unwelcomed u can't stay
Let's evolve to revolve

Buka mata tatap dunia
Antara gelap disusul terang
Lihat dunia dia dunia
Setelah hujan pasti akan cerah

Buka mata tatap dunia
Antara gelap disusul terang
Lihat dunia dia dunia
Setelah hujan pasti akan cerah
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