JUST IN! Watch Tesla FSD 10 Zoom Out at Intersections

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Today I am doing series of video reports talking about Tesla's newly-released FSD Beta 10's improvements, and this video focuses on one of those FSD 10 improvements: the ability to zoom out at intersections.

Twitter user Tesla_Raj noticed the improvements and shared a short video segment showing how Tesla FSD 10 zooms out at intersections giving the driver much better visuals. "I really like the zoom out at intersections in FSDbeta 10! Elon Musk," wrote Raj in a Tweet sharing a segment from his FSD Beta 10 drive.

Imagine the hard work and long hours the Tesla AI team has put into the FSD Beta 10. The most important result of this is, it will save thousands of lives and life-changing injuries per year.

It's really good that Tesla's new FSD 10 gives the driver a good real-time bird's-eye transformation while driving.

FSD Beta 10 came as part of update 2020.24.15, which featured a set of identical release notes as the outgoing version. Based on the first clips uploaded of the newly-released update, however, it appears that FSD Beta 10 featured some UI changes to start. The driving visualizations have been cleaned up, for one, and the icons on the left side of the display have been rearranged for the Model 3 and Model Y.


This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/torquenewsauto on Twitter and https://www.torquenews.com/ for daily automotive news.

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