Keynote by Dr. Vandana Shiva – Cradle to Cradle Summit: Textiles & Supply Chain 2021

146 Aufrufe
The C2C Summit Textiles & Supply Chain on 28 January 2021 with a focus on the Global South has shown that the global textile industry is facing a fundamental change towards circularity and true sustainability. Close to 300 participants from #textile businesses, politics, NGOs, associations, and the civil society had registered for the digital event organized by Berlin, Germany based Cradle to Cradle NGO.

In this video, activist, scholar, and author Dr. Vandana Shiva talks about the importance of internalizing external costs of environmental and health damages in production methods to be able to reduce production costs for sustainable products and stop the squandering of resources. Humanitarian issues, health issues and the #climate crisis are “different symptoms of one common crisis. The main problem is that our planet’s boundaries are broken. We need to break the habit of separation, which is an artificial concept, and need to think in systems again”, she said. “We need to develop #CradletoCradle models to maximize production systems that generate biodiversity and reverse climate change”, she concluded.

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Musik: Scott Holmes Music (Creative Commons Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0)


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