Lead MXC Tech Covers MXC NFTs, Beta Test, Device Provisioning and More in Latest Discord AMA w/Jeff

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#MXC #NFTs #MinerHealth

Greetings travelers! Today I wanted to share with the MXC community the latest AMA that Jeff hosted on the MXC Foundation Discord! Make sure to watch until the very end so you do not miss out on some great tips! You can find the transcript for this AMA here: https://www.tavern.news/post/discord-ama-with-mxc-head-of-development-jeff-stahlnecker

- Make sure to check out my website to stay up to date! https://www.tavern.news
- DHX council chair fund - MXC Wallet: 0x0ac6265e2c22306e7dfbe80b1d57f948d128e4b
- Use my referral code to purchase your minor and receive $20 off your order! My referral code is: MATCH50 (discount code until referral codes are released)
- Selling your MXC Governance tokens/NFT? Email me at [email protected] so we can talk.

- MXC Project Github: https://github.com/mxc-foundation
- DHX Project Github: https://github.com/DataHighway-DHX

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below, or reach out to me on the official MXC Discord or Telegram.

Official MXC Telegram: https://t.me/themxcbot?start=uxpEVVszH
Official MXC Discord: https://mxc.news/mxcdiscord
Official DHX Telegram: https://t.me/datahighway
Official DHX Discord: https://discord.gg/UHwGQmXq

0:00:00 - Intro
0:01:05 - Jeff's Intro
0:02:06 - Any updates on shipping delays?
0:02:56 - What updates are being done for the shipping process?
0:03:45 - What are the next big steps for the tech team?
0:04:35 - Is BTC mining per miner or per account? (DKP2)
0:05:17 - Why don't many people make $14 within the range?
0:06:19 - Will the calculations for the MXC features be made public?
0:07:12 - What is the timetable on when DOT can be earned?
0:08:26 - Can you share more info on the UniSwap 1-sided liquidity?
0:08:58 - Are there any issues with rust or corrosion if miners are left outside?
0:09:40 - Has a decision been made to keep fuel the same or introduce a cap?
0:11:06 - Do you have any new information to share on MXC NFTs?
0:12:17 - Could you share any insight on the eligibility requirements for the NFTs?
0:13:06 - Do we get an MXC dividend when we own an NFT?
0:13:17 - Are NFTs scheduled to be released soon?
0:14:29 - Could you cover what is expected of the community while we beta test features?
0:18:01 - Will you have hotfixes in between development cycles?
0:19:06 - Have you thought about extended the grace period from 3 to 10 months?
0:19:32 - Can you please explain the grave period?
0:20:52 - Did you mean there will be user-acceptance testing earlier?
0:21:37 - Will we ever stop getting the base rewards and only receive downlink fees?
0:23:18 - How is altitude calculated and does living below sea level hurt miner health?
0:24:33 - Will you provide guidelines on how to effectively place a miner?
0:25:57 - What insights can you provide from the Das Kaiser project now that we are 2 weeks in?
0:26:49 - Instead of altitude, could miners instead just rely on nearby miners to verify their signal?
0:29:54 - Will other tokens be considered as fuel in the future or only MXC?
0:30:21 - Will earning BTC remain passive or will we have to pair MXC with something to earn BTC?
0:32:11 - What is miner orientation?
0:32:32 - What is the ideal distance to keep between miners for the Proximity health factor?
0:33:44 - Would it be possible for miners to earn other tokens similar to how BTC is earned in DKP?
0:35:23 - Is the daily earnings algorithm based on the closing price or live price of MXC?
0:35:59 - Is there anything we can do to improve base earnings?
0:36:20 - Any news for people that didn't get in to the BTC testing?
0:36:58 - Are we able to use two mobile devices for beta testing?
0:37:30 - Is Uptime starting at 0% for new miners a bug or feature?
0:39:08 - How long does it take for fuel to refuel naturally if you withdraw MXC and stake it?
0:40:32 - How are the frames in the DD app transmitted / received?
0:41:14 - What was the outcome of the suggestion to allow miners to lock/stake fuel with no penalty?
0:41:46 - Is it possible to test the earnings (tax) tracker in the app?
0:42:16 - When do we need to worry about miner proximity?
0:42:22 - Are the miners ever in danger of overheating outside?
0:44:06 - Any word on Defi for MXC?
0:44:13 - Can you make a demo of the earnings tracker tool?
0:45:01 - Will withdrawal fees from the DD app ever be lower?
0:45:29 - Are you getting close to allowing devices to connect to the MXProtocol?
0:47:35 - Should we be penalized for withdrawing MXC if we use it to stake?
0:47:53 - When will we be able to mine DOT?
0:48:13 - How is the liquidity from miner fuel used if the data market and DFi isn't live?
0:48:44 - Are staking percentages likely to go up or remain static?
0:49:48 - Response from hardware team
0:51:01 - Can the miner be powered with PoE?
0:51:38 - Is the MXC dev team the team working to develop DHX?
0:52:21 - DHX files on Github (description)
0:53:13 - Jeff's Outro
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