[LIVE]: Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News

268 Aufrufe
Coronavirus Live Streaming: Breaking news, world Map and live counter on confirmed cases and recovered cases.


1. WORLDOMETER: www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
2. BNO News: bnonews.com/index.php/2020/02/the-latest-coronavirus-cases/
3. JHU CSEE: gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
4. 1point3acres (for USA/CAN): coronavirus.1point3acres.com/en
5. RiskLayer (DEU): www.risklayer-explorer.com/event/100/detail
6. MorgenPost (DEU): interaktiv.morgenpost.de/corona-virus-karte-infektionen-deutschland-weltweit/
7. DXY (CHN): ncov.dxy.cn/ncovh5/view/pneumonia
8. J.A.G Japan (JPN): jagjapan.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/55c22ee976bc42338cb454765a6edf6b
9. VG (NOR): www.vg.no
10. Amtliches Dashboard COVID19 (AUT): info.gesundheitsministerium.at/
11. INDIA COVID-19 TRACKER (IND): www.covid19india.org/
12. Helsingin Sanomat (FIN): www.hs.fi
13. Situación de COVID-19 en España (ESP): covid19.isciii.es/
14. T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (TUR): covid19.saglik.gov.tr /
15. Corona-Fälle in der Schweiz (CHE): rsalzer.github.io/COVID_19_CH/
16. Lidovky (CZE): www.lidovky.cz/
17. The News International (PAK): www.thenews.com.pk/
18. kawalcovid19 (IND): kawalcovid19.com/
19. INDEXHR (HRT): www.index.hr/

I hope this live stream serves as useful information. Please keep track of the numbers that impact you and help guide the decisions you need to make.

Thank you for your support, encouragement, viewership and please take care. Keep up your immunity and defenses by getting plenty of rest and eating well to maintain your resiliency.

For those who are affected by this unfortunate outbreak, please keep them in your thoughts.
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