Live Now | Stocks, Crypto Currency, and May predictions | #BTC, #ETH #FAANG Stocks

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I am Live Streaming with the markets including stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, crypto, and more. Also upcoming earnings opportunities as well..

Will be using to scan with...

See you at noon!



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About Tom Gentile:
Starting his career in 1986, Tom quickly made his way to the American Stock Exchange. In 1993, Tom co-founded Optionetics, one of the largest and most trusted financial education companies in the world. He eventually sold it to one of the largest retail brokerage firms in the world. You can’t do this without honesty, integrity and longevity.

Tom has taught hundreds of thousands of traders the specific secrets to spotting high-probability and low-risk trade opportunities. His latest company is TomsTradingRoom which caters to traders looking to trade at the top 1% of their game.

90% of Traders will Trade what they think is happening
9% of Traders will Trade what they see happening
1% of Traders will trade what no one else sees happening

Spot the Rules Based Opportunity
Create a Low Risk / High Probability Trade
Plan, Execute, and Manage the Trade
My Books: I have over a dozen books in print as a co-author and writer through Wiley and Sons. You can find these on Amazon or any online bookstore.
Learn more about me as well as free content here:

Options Software
Software that I use:
Though I use many brokerage platforms for trading stocks, options and derivatives, I have my options software here… Full Options software with 5 years of data for back testing, as well as trading systems including contrarian and my patent pending Money Calendar.

Tom Gentile is NOT a United States Securities Dealer or Broker, or U.S. Investment Adviser. Nor is sender a trader, dealer, or broker of ANY jurisdiction and or country. Sender makes no warranties or representations as to the Buyer, Seller or any Transaction that may be contained or disclosed herein. The materials on Tom Gentile web site are provided "as shown". Tom Gentile makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, Tom Gentile does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its internet web site or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site. Full Disclaimer can be found here:

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