Lockdown Lead Guitar #38: I Wanna Know

166 Aufrufe
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This is a video series of me playing/improvising guitar solos from various songs I've played over the years; This week it's a little different; instead of taking a well known song by a famous person or band and playing a version of the solo, this it's one of my own songs.

Written with my old pal and band mate Sonia, this song made it's first appearance in late 1997 on a demo recorded at home on a Fostex 4 track, with a more complete version recorded in 1998 at Carlton Digital in Glasgow, this can be heard here: https://soundcloud.com/stephengallacher/i-wanna-know

The guitar I'm playing is a 1991 Patrick Eggle Berlin DI'd into Pro Tools via a Motu8 pre interface. The tones you're hearing are generated by 3 different amp sim plugins-
Rhythm guitars are played with the Eleven Free Plugin.
The multi tracked harmonies are played with the Queen AC30 setting on the Tech 21 Sansamp plugin.
The lead guitar is played through the Amped Roots plugin on the 'dadrock' setting.
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