Logistics People Talk I Podcast Episode 8:The e-commerce boom and its effects on warehouse logistics

110 Aufrufe
The increasing demand in the online shopping sector is not only creating new tasks for retailers, but also for logistics service providers. Processes need to be optimised and warehouse space expanded to cope with the increased order volume. This change in consumer behaviour, known as the e-commerce boom, is the topic of the current podcast episode of ‘Logistics People Talk’.

Kerry Delaney, Managing Director of Rhenus Warehousing Solutions Lutterworth in the UK, and Szczepan Gowin, International Sector Leader for E-commerce within Rhenus Warehousing Solutions, talk about the e-commerce boom and give an insight into the past developments and future plans of warehouse logistics. They talk about the way consumer behaviour has changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and what modifications this has brought to warehouse logistics. Listeners will also learn how sustainability is taken into account in the building of new warehouses and the creation of new warehousing and delivery processes.

00:00 - 00:52 Introduction
00:52 - 03:20 Why is e-commerce booming as an industry?
03:20 - 05:23 Why is e-commerce important for the Rhenus Group?
05:23 - 07:25 E-commerce in the UK?
07:25 - 08:52 What challenges does e-commerce face?
08:52 - 17:52 How does the COVID-19 pandemic impact the e-commerce business?
17:52 - 22:08 Is e-commerce going to slow down again?
22:08 - 26:25 How can e-commerce retailers become more green?
26:25 - 29:13 How to align a warehousing logistics strategy to today's e-commerce trends?
29:13 - 32:15 How do today's customers want to receive the products they order?
32:15 - 33:32 Conclusion
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