Matteo Bernardini Interview for The Little Broomstick Rider | Slamdance 2021

151 Aufrufe
LRM Online's Gig Patta chatted with director and illustrator Matteo Bernardini for The Little Broomstick Rider. The animated series make its premiere at the Slamdance Film Festival 2021.

When a nine-year-old boy in 1620s Bavaria goes on trial for witchcraft, a flabbergasted court must decide the child’s fate…

Based on Ludwig Bechstein’s The Little Pitchfork Rider, THE LITTLE

BROOMSTICK RIDER was born out of the objective creative impediment filmmaker Matteo Bernardini had to face during the lockdown generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Being aware he could not rely on casts and crews as he was used to and being confined to his own house, Bernardini decided to let his illustrations do all the acting and his hands do the rest of the work: the final result is a unique product, more of an “illustrations-coming-to-life experience” than a traditional animated series.

Armed exclusively with paper, pens, scissors and glue, Bernardini has brought his personal interpretation of 17th century Germany to life. Half fairy-tale, half-perhaps-a-bit-too-historically-accurate (and spiced with a hint of macabre humour), Bernardini’s maverick series takes DIY to the next level.

Interviewer: Gig Patta (@gigpatta on IG and Twitter)
Interview Pitches: [email protected]

#matteobernardini #thelittlebroomstickrider #slamdance #slamdance2021
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