Michael Saylor Predicts $5 Million Bitcoin (One Question He WON'T Answer)

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Today is Part 2 of my interview with Michael Saylor. In the first part of the interview, he established that he believes Bitcoin is the GREATEST asset the world has ever seen. In Part 2, he's going to show you why he's thinking on a whole different level from the way most people think about Bitcoin. There’s one question he’s not going to answer. Find out what that forbidden question is, and why Michael Saylor refuses to answer it.

Michael Saylor, the CEO of Microstrategy, is one of the biggest names in Bitcoin. He understands Bitcoin inside and out. He’ll explain the use of cryptocurrencies that aren’t named Bitcoin and if there’s room for them in the future.

00:00 Intro
01:11 Is there a place for other cryptocurrencies?
06:28 Ethereum, derivatives, and Bitcoin
09:00 Scarcity of Bitcoin
14:32 First Trillion-dollar brand in the history of the world
16:15 Price Prediction

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