Mix & Match Approach of Covid-19 Vaccines. ||Advantages & Disadvantages|| Best Vaccine Combinations.

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Hi, You are watching "Fitrat Kay Raaz" And I'm your host Abdul Razaque
This video is about the growing "Mix & Match" approach of Covid vaccines. In which we'll analyze the advantages and disadvantages of mix shots of different vaccines, and also evaluate the best combination of corona vaccines.

Let's find out,

Shortage of one brand of vaccine throughout the world and severe side effects after getting first shot of a particular vaccine in various countries,
has diverted to second dose of different vaccine.This practice of different shots of different vaccines is called "Mix & Match" approach of vaccines.

Which have been allowed conditionally in special cases in developed countries It's prime objective is to pace up the global vaccination process.
The study in this approach, still is in initial stages.

But, regardless to it it's in practice in my country since december-2020.
This is due to shortage of corona-vac and Sinopharm vaccines which been donated by China.

Up to June-2021, 18 world wide vaccines are under practice and most of them consists on 2 doses.

These vaccines have been developed on different techniques, out them Sino-vac, Sonopharm, Covaxin and Cov-Iran Barakat are in-activated vaccines.

Where as Pfixer BioNtech & Moderna are mRNA vaccine types.

More-over Sputnik-V, Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Pak-vac (Cansino) are Viral Vector.

These are explained in detail in my previous videos, the links are

The study on mix shots of said vaccines is still in initial stages, on the basis of primary findings of studies conducted in Spain, Germany & UK,
we'll analyze the advantages and dis- advantages of "mix & match" vaccine shots, and in this regard evaluate that what would be the best possible vaccine combination.

In Spain study has been conducted over 600 people whot got 1st shot of Astrazeneca followed 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine, and according to its preliminary findings robust immune response found developed against virus. The similar study on people who also got shots of Astrazeneca and pfizer, and it found strong immune response against corona virus and its variants, but the study conducted in stated vaccine shots in UK, pointed out severe side effects of vaccine.

The experts are divided in this regard.

Some are in its favor and hope that this would result in effective immunity against the virus and could be easy access to the vaccines mandatory to defeat the pandemic.

While some regard it dangerous, on the ground that the tested vaccines should be opt according to their recommended shots, and it w'd be safe to avoid till the final outcome of the undergoing research on Mix & match approach.

Mix combination in between different types of vaccines likely to develop robust immunity, but, on other hand their side effects would be severe too.

Hence it is (Likely) safe to opt vaccination shots of in same vaccine type.
Mix&matchvaccines, coronavaccineshots,
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