Most Probable Questions for IAS Prelims - Qns for 03-07-2020

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Most Probable Questions for IAS Prelims - Qns for 03-07-2020

Qn.1) iGOT, an online training platform recently seen in the news is launched by

(a) NITI Aayog
(b) Department of Science and Technology
(c) Ministry of Human Resource Development
(d) Department of Personnel and Training

Ans: (d) Department of Personnel and Training

Learning Zone: The Department of Personnel and Training launches online training platform- iGOT in the fight against COVID-19. The platform is called iGOT — Integrated Government Online Training.

It offers online training for doctors, nurses, paramedics, hygiene workers, technicians, Auxiliary Nursing Midwives (ANMS), central & state govt. officers, civil defence officials, various police organisations, National Cadet Corps (NCC), Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), National Service Scheme (NSS), Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), Bharat Scouts & Guides (BSG) and other volunteers to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why is this question important? It is a recent initiative by The Department of Personnel and Training.

Qn.2) Madhuban Gajar, recently seen in the news is a:

(a) Bio fortified crop
(b) GM Carrot
(c) Scheme for the development of carrot farmers
(d) A sweet which obtained GI tag from Bihar

Ans: (a) Biofortified crop

Learning Zone: The bio fortified crop- Madhuban Gajar was developed by Shri Vallabhhai Vasrambhai Marvaniya, a farmer scientist from Junagadh district, Gujarat.
It contains high β-carotene and iron content.
It is being planted in an area of over 200 hectares in Junagadh, and the average yield, which is 40-50 t/ha, has become the main source of income to the local farmers.
The variety is being cultivated in more than 1000 hectares of land in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh during the last three years.
Madhuban Gajar carrot variety possesses a significantly higher root yield (74.2 t/ha) and plant biomass (275 gm per plant) as compared to check variety.

Why is this question important? It is a recent development.

Qn.3) “State of the World’s Nursing” report, recently seen in the news is released by:

(a) WHO
(b) Red cross society
(c) World Economic Forum
(d) UNDP

Ans : (a) WHO

Learning Zone: WHO, along with the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and the Nursing Now campaign, has released a report titled, “State of the World’s Nursing”.

Globally, there are roughly 36.9 nurses per 10,000 people, with variations within and across regions.
There are almost 10 times more nurses in the Americas than in the African region. While there are 83.4 nurses per 10,000 population in the former, there are 8.7 nurses per 10,000 population in the latter.
By 2030, there will be a shortage of over 5.7 million nurses worldwide.

Why is this question important? It is a recently released report by WHO


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