MTalks - Publishing As Public Space

148 Aufrufe
Worldwide, the publishing industry has taken a hard blow during the global pandemic. As international publishing companies pull out of smaller markets - such as German multinational Bauer Media in Aotearoa New Zealand – community funded publications are taking centre stage. Alongside this, private companies that build our city infrastructure and homes are stepping up to help fund and produce research and stories, disseminating this into public space. We will will discuss alternative and innovative methods for funding design publishing, from working with private companies, to crowd sourcing, traditional advertising, social enterprise and public funding, responding to the central questions: how do we create a more resilient publishing sector? What are the futures for arts publishing? Discussion with Steve Mintern, Katie Kerr, Jeremy Kibel, Bridget Caldwell-Bright and Henry Oliver. Moderated by Assemble Papers editor Sophie Rzepecky.

Image: Fictional Journal, Anywhere, Anytime, Demo Festival: Amsterdam, 2019

The MPavilion 2020 season is taking place from 12 November—1 April. Join us for an exciting season of free design, architecture and community events happening online in November before both online and in-person events commence citywide from December.


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