My first 22 EP coming soon...

105 Aufrufe
I’ve waited a year to be able to share this news with you, this will be my first EP I’ll be releasing and I named it ‘ 22 ‘.

Each of the song represented different stage of my life and the first song ‘ Moonlight ‘ I wrote it since I was 17. It was the time where I was in school and I wrote about boys haha.

Then it came with another song after I graduated school trying out different jobs, traveling then I wrote the song ‘ who am I ‘ when I was traveling in Germany in 2019.

Then I was feeling very ambitious made loads of plans for myself but when I was ready to make it happen Covid came and this song called ‘ underwater ‘ , with this song underwater back then I only had lyrics in hand then my great friend/producer @youngxodin sent me this beat and I knew this is going to match perfectly together with my lyrics.

A couple month later I met @prod.kidd , and we made this song ‘ blue ‘ based on how we felt about 2020 .

Each of the songs means a lot to me , to be honest I’m not sure what exact genre it is but I do know each of them has my heart in it and it’s about personal growth .


Here I want to say Thankyou for my best friend and amazing producer @youngxodin , he encouraged me to make my visions into reality , and helped me among the way produce/mixed my song ‘ Who am i ‘ .

Thanks again for @prod.kidd being part of this ep , and Thankyou to everyone have been in my life , either good or bad, you made me a stronger person .

This is my ‘ 22 ‘ ep , coming out on 22nd March, 2021 .

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