My Gram's Life - Video #11

143 Aufrufe
Gram's favorite smells, German berries, chores, and her kitchen when she was growing up in Germany.


January 7, 2021, my Gram turned 100. None of us could visit her, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is sad. She did, however, have an amazing birthday party that resulted in her (in her words) feeling like royalty, hosted by The Havens in Toms River, New Jersey.

In discussions regarding her birthday, my friends started talking about how much they love her and consider her their surrogate grandma, and wished they had their grandmas still around, or could hear their voices. In 2018, my husband and I visited Gram in New Jersey and interviewed her, using a digital audio recorder, with 97 questions (for her 97th birthday), so I offered to share some of those recordings if people were interested. So many people expressed interest that I'm going to try to post a new video every week in 2021, starting, appropriately, January 1st.
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