My Thoughts On Protests & Coronavirus Update

188 Aufrufe
This video was supposed to answer some of the lingering questions about COVID that you've had but I think leading with a much more important issue of the moment (of the generation) is mandatory. George Floyd should be with us right now. Countless others should be with us right now. It's a brutal reality that we must accept that we still have racism among us. It's disturbing that it took the loss of another life to wake us up as a community to these injustices. Let us all step up and be better all around. Let's call out when it happens, let's prevent it before it happens. Black lives matter.

Killer Mike says it better than me: (MUST WATCH)

*All Adsense revenue for this video will be donated and I will personally match it so that we can double the donation.*

Resources for donations:
Top Civil Rights Orgs by Charity Navigator:

Coronavirus playlist:

Best Sources

If you have an idea of something you want me to cover in-depth, please let me know because I take your requests seriously. We will be back with more Medical Drama Review/Responding to comments Series in a couple of weeks, so please submit more names of shows/questions you'd like for me to watch/answer. I love you all! - Doctor Mike Varshavski

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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **
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