NEO BERLIN 2087: A Gaming Experience Like No Other | Ultra Realistic Graphics Gameplay [2K 60FPS]

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NEO BERLIN 2087: A Gaming Experience Like No Other | Ultra Realistic Graphics Gameplay [2K 60FPS]

You will be immersed in a world full of bright colors and incredible details that will leave you in awe. The ultra-realistic graphics of this game will make you feel like you are actually in the futuristic city of NEO BERLIN 2087. The 2K resolution and 60 frames per second ensure that the gameplay is smooth and seamless, making your gaming experience like no other.

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My computer
1 - PROCESSOR - AMD Ryzen 5 4500 4.1GHz, 6C/12T
2 - Video card - ASUS ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
3 - RAM - 16 GB DDR4-3200 Kingston HyperX FURY
4 - SSD: Samsung 250gb | (HDD) - 2 TB
5 - Monitor : Samsung C27G55TQW
6 - Microphone: ZET KORADJI GAMING
7 - Keyboard: Sven KB-G9500 US

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