NotePerformer 4.1/Berlin Berklee: Demo Medley

60 Aufrufe
The playback is generated by Orchestral Tools Berlin Orchestra Berklee Edition (Mix) running in NotePerformer 4.1/NPPE.

Excerpts from scores:
00:00 Star Wars Main Theme (John Williams)
00:50 Jupiter, from The Planets (Holst)
01:55 Back to the Future Suite (Alan Silvestri)
02:46 Raiders March (John Williams)
03:39 Flying Theme (John Williams)
04:21 Scene from Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky)
05:05 Superman March (John Williams)
05:44 Asteroid Field (John Williams)
06:22 Leia's Theme (John Williams)
07:19 Adventures On Earth (John Williams)
07:57 Beethoven, Symphony 5.1
08:39 Nimrod, from The Enigma Variations (Elgar)
09:42 Blue Danube Waltz (Strauss)
10:46 Beethoven, Symphony 7.2
11:45 Morning (Grieg)
12:25 Mars, from The Planets (Holst)
12:54 Sorcerer's Apprentice (Dukas)
13:17 William Tell Overture (Rossini)
13:56 Dvořák, Symphony 9.1

Notable updates for this demo:
- Improved dynamics and volume
- Improved legato timing
- Improved overall timing
- Improved short-note consistency
- Improved tuning
- Accents and marcato now default to shorts overlay
- Fixed some articulations sounding in the opposite L/R channel
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