Nowhere - Women's Demonstration Fragment

150 Aufrufe
Women's Demonstration Fragment

NOWHERE it's a film-diary, composed of 8 women's autobiographies and their points of view on the city they were living in: São Paulo, Algiers, Paris, Berlin, Cologne, London. The film is a poetic testimony of these women's relationship with their city: being foreigners, discovering their roots, trying to create art, experiencing urban violence, dealing with space, architecture, and movement. Contrast and choreography, music composition.

SAMPLE - Nowhere
Short description of the project(s) in the sample
This film-diary based on the life of 8 women has many kinds of movements, political and intimate moments. Two contrasting moments, one a demonstration, and other the silence of these women observing themselves.

Why did you choose this/these scene(s)?
This film-diary based on the life of 8 women has many kinds of movements. In this SAMPLE, women are on the street to fight for their right to abortion. In contrast to this demonstration, we also have the silence of these women observing themselves through the camera on the hands of another woman, through the mirror, or as a self-portrait. The composition is built as a patchwork of sound and images. The film is this choreographic contrast.

How does this sample reflect your work?

I love to see the cinema as a choreography of image and sound. The meaning comes through the sensations I create with these compositions, more than a rational dramaturgy based clearly on cause and effects. I try to cause sensations in the spectator beyond what is logical or rational. Here the sensoriality is caused through the noises on the street contrasted by the silence caused by minimal sounds, the rain, someone breathing.

What was your position in this/these project(s)?
Director, Editor

Want to be more specific?
NOWHERE it's a film-diary, composed of 8 women's autobiographies and their points of view on the city they were living in: São Paulo, Algiers, Paris, Berlin, Cologne, London. The film is a poetic testimony of these women's relationship with their city: being foreigners, discovering their roots, trying to create art, experiencing urban violence, dealing with space, architecture and movement.
Contrast and choreography, music composition.

If you need to further specify your position in the projects included in your sample, please do so here.
In general, I work on the editing of my own films. So I see the screenwriting as an editing work as well, because mostly of the time I work with footage I filmed during moments of my life. So in many times build the film connecting images with sounds and creating meanings. Mostly of the times I’m improvising while filming and while editing. I also write my own scripts, mostly while working with fiction, as the case of my film “Os Barcos”, or my project “As Mulheres do Pau Brazil”.
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