Online-Discussion: Covid 19 in Africa and the State of Emergency

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Covid-19 in Africa and the State of Emergency: How can Civil Society best protect Human Rights and Government Accountability?

The corona pandemic poses enormous challenges to states and societies around the world. To protect the population and contain the pandemic, worldwide, numerous countries have responded with extensive measures, including on the African continent. However, these protective measures also entail some risks such as the massive restriction of personal freedoms and the expansion of government powers. These not only threaten the democratic agenda of many African countries, but also the human and fundamental rights of citizens. Likewise, the provision or rededication of sometimes enormous financial resources to combat the crises poses new challenges to the transparency, integrity and accountability of governments.

Against this background, the German Africa Foundation and the Botswana Centre for Public Integrity organised the online discussion "Covid-19 in Africa and the State of Emergency: How can Civil Society best protect Human Rights and Government Accountability?" with German MP Gabi Weber (Social Democratic Party), Alice Mogwe (DITSHWANELO - The Botswana Centre for Human Rights & International Federation for Human Rights), and Muchaneta Mundopa (Transparency International Zimbabwe).
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