OR Mavi Circle Rotation Strategy | PMPL Finals Best Map Analysis

166 Aufrufe
This is a Map explanation video of Team Orange Rocks , OR , IGL OR Mavi , Focusing on how he makes the team rotates and what are all the things he keep in mind. What strategy he Uses.
This is PMPL Finals Day 1 Match 1 Erangle chicken Dinner , I didn't took PMIS coz OR with the new add up of scout didnt got enough time to practice and Mavi was not feeling well , so the performance was low, Also i didnt took group stages matches of PMWL as most of the teams where not playing seriously and there might not be any strats to analyse.
Thus the recent best performance was on PMPL Finals and thats why PMPL whole analysis is being done, Rest of the maps are already done observing , If this video reaches success then i will be putting more efforts on the next videos as well, coz its a lot time consuming and you have to be very careful that you do not spread any wrong info. Same time if you guys seen anything wrong or find this useful or wanna share your view
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Thumbnail Credits : intsa ig_freakboy

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