'Outsider: Afterlife' Demo - an IndieGamingSocial/Indie Game Collective Showcase

142 Aufrufe
YouTube only video no.2 hosting as always Orang3Robot.

This is a demo of Outsider: AfterLife by Once a Bird

Outsider is an existential horror adventure mystery wrapped in an apocalyptical sci-fi epic game, out for mobile devices and coming out soon for PC and consoles. After humanity's extinction, the player takes control of HUD-ini, an android that wakes up alone in a lab. He must first repair himself, then escape the lab, escape the Earth, escape the universe. The gameplay consists of puzzle solving, with each puzzle advancing the story with seamless transitions. Every puzzle is different and self-contained.

Outsider was inspired by classic adventure games such as Loom, The Dig and Myst. We wanted to tell a story with an ever-expanding scope and evoke a sense of dread, mystery and wonder in the player. Once a Bird started with just Ricardo Moura as the game designer/programmer and Jo Pereira as the musician. Jo is a talented songwriter that collaborated recently with Eurovision winner Emmelie de Forest. After Ricardo finished a prototype of Outsider with programmer art, Tiago Lourenço was brought in to do the vector graphics. Tiago is an award-winning artist with work published on national newspapers.

Original, varied and accessible puzzles.
Vectorial graphics engine that provides a distinct look and great quality at any resolution.
Beautiful and fluid animations.
Emotional, dark and epic story.
Atmospheric, moody soundtrack.

You find the Demo here https://store.steampowered.com/app/1354940/Outsider_After_Life/

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