People working differently: Remote and flexible working…forever!

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About this video
In 2020, the legal workplace changed, permanently! Remote work became the norm. Flexible work, for a long time a reality, became a necessity. Work was disaggregated, reaggregated and turned into something completely new. In between, legal businesses scrambled to engage in this new global proof of concept and found along the way that remote and flexible working really did…work!

In this session, Emma Heuston, Founder & Principal Lawyer, The Remote Expert and Katherine Thomas, CEO, Free Range Lawyers, discussed how and why people are now, and will continue to work, differently. They also shared their experience on turning today’s best practices into next practices, for the benefit of your people, your clients, and your organisation.

Resources referred to in the session:

Vision to value eBook []
Remote working success for law firms - available to download []
Remote Employees How to navigate the legal issues []

This session was part of the Centre for Legal Innovation []-Australasian Legal Practice Management Association [] Innovation and Legaltech Week 2021 Live program on 10 February 2021.

If you would prefer to listen rather than watch, the session is also available as a podcast in CLI’s The Legalpreneurs Sandbox podcast series [].
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