Pilot Draws Syringe In the Sky FlightRadar COVID 2020 Dec 2020

143 Aufrufe
What a year this has been! A pilot took to the skies in a small propeller plane (Diamond Katana) taking off from southern Germany, and drew a 70km long syringe over Germany, flying at 5,000 feet. Check out the detail of the syringe! There are even 2 droplets coming out from the long needle.

Why did the pilot do this? He was celebrating the arrival of the COVID vaccine! This flight was made shortly before Christmas (flight records show 23 Dec 2020). Awesome stuff! It will go down in history, with all the media reports and now this video that I have made!

2020 has been a tough year. I hope 2021 will be better. Please take care, wherever you are.
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