Play old 32-bit Steam & Windows games on macOS Catalina

270 Aufrufe
This video explains the easiest way to play 32-bit Steam games on Catalina. It also helps you run old Windows games on a Mac when macOS Catalina is the OS. Read more for details.
As you know, Apple has stopped the support for 32-bit apps on macOS Catalina. That means you won't be able to play your favourite games in your Steam library if they are made for the 32-bit operating system. In this video I explain how I used an app named CrossOver to install the Windows version of Steam on macOS Catalina, to access and run all 32-bit games in my library. CrossOver can also be used to install and run many of the old Windows games and programs on macOS Catalina, bypassing it's implementation on 32-bit apps.

To begin, download CrossOver for macOS Catalina from this link:

You can download and test your Steam games on Catalina before buying the software. They offer a 14-day trial for the app.

Then download Steam for Windows, or the exe installer for your favourite old game.

Install CrossOver, and as shown in the video, select to "install a Windows software", when you see the application interface.

Now, refer the video to select Your Steam installer on Crossover, and wait for the program to complete installation.

Steam will open-up, and you will see the usual sign-in window. Login-in with your Steam account and go to the library. Now, download the 32-bit game and shown in video. I've managed to play Counter-Strike 32-bit edition on macOS Catalina using the Windows version of Steam running on Catalina.

You can also search in Crossover application for many other classic Windows game. Installation is same in all cases.

#Steam #macOS #Catalina #Gaming
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