148 Aufrufe
An inclusive and inspiring podcast! The goal to give creators from different backgrounds and experience levels a hub to showcase their personalities and work to the world! Professionals, talented students and more.

Welcome to the second episode of season 2! The SINGERS, ACTORS, WRITERS and INFLUENCERS showcase on a global scale!

WARNING: Performance extract includes STRONG LANGUAGE - Viewer discretion advised.

MARK DAVID ABBOTT is the author of ten thrillers and one travelogue but he wasn’t always a writer.

Born in Cyprus to an Army father, and after a short stint in Germany and the United Kingdom, he then moved to New Zealand where he grew up. At the age of eighteen he took off to explore the world and has since lived in England, Hong Kong (twice) and India (twice) as well as travelling extensively

Mark has worked variously as a barman, a factory hand, supermarket shelf stocker, and a real estate salesman, but since giving up his Real Estate career in Hong Kong, Mark has devoted his time to writing and traveling.

Due to Covid travel restrictions, Mark is based in India again, where coincidentally two generations ago, his grandfather, while stationed there as a soldier under British rule, met and married his grandmother, a nurse of mixed Indian and Dutch descent.

Mark is a keen runner and in between runs is slowly building an impressive collection of Gin.

This episode contains conversation with the man himself plus an exclusive extract from his first book VENGEANCE performed by myself and music by Mamoune Taleb.
Direct link to his channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp1wTaLlKs5WbZ1fCIkyq4Q

Everything seen and heard here has full copyright protection - Please DO NOT reuse and or CLAIM THIS WORK AS YOUR OWN.

Mark's details Email: [email protected]
Mark's IG account: https://www.instagram.com/thekiwigypsy/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markdavidabbottauthor
Professional enquiries: Book series link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MDWH67L
For more details on Mark's work or to say hi go to
Website: https://markdavidabbott.com/

Host Warren Adams - Warren Telling Tales
Website https://www.engagetheatre.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/warrentellingtales/ or https://www.instagram.com/warrenadamsactor/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/warren.adams.351/

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