Politically Motivated Kidnapping in Rwanda - Outspoken Rwandan Critic #Idamange Is Seeking Your Help

138 Aufrufe
A light has been shining on the Rwandan government for its human rights abuses inside of Rwanda and abroad. Rwandans have been attacked by their own government in dozens of countries around the world. The attacks ranged from assassinations, massacres, kidnapping and death threats. Inside of the country, thousands of people come up missing every year. Many critics of the government inside of Rwanda are routinely arrested, dissappeared, assassinated and exiled if they are lucky to escape.

While this usually happens to critics, sometimes their family members are also targetted. On February 10, 2021, a 16 year-old Buis Nzima whose mother has been criticizing the government of Rwanda via her YouTube chanel, has gone missing. His mother emerged publicly on 1/31/2021 shining light on abuses by the Rwandan goverment under the cover of Covid-19 restrictions. She also continued to highlight injustices being committed by the Kagame regime. Since her emergency, various government officials have come out to condemn, demean, dehumanize, and threaten her. Her son's dissappearance comes on the heels of these threats and insults by government officials.

In a surprising turn of event, Rwanda's biggest Western parteners, the United States the United Kingdom raised concerts publicly about Rwanda's ongoing human rights abuses under the Kagame and RPF leadership. Rwanda's other western parterners include France, Germany, Norway, Canada and others.

Commentators: Freeman Bikorwa and Claude Gatebuke

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