Predicting the Future | Uncertainty Beyond Crisis – Wiener Börse Future Forum

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In the recording of the live stream kick-off event from 4 March Didier Sornette, Professor and Risk Scientist, ETH Zurich and Monika Rosen-Philipp, Head of Research, UniCredit Bank Austria discussed the venture of predicting the future and how we can better navigate uncertainty. Major challenges and crises have often seemingly come out of the blue. However, our knowledge of complex systems is increasing. From the financial crisis to corona crisis, what are the lessons to be learnt? How can companies and investors prepare for the future and navigate uncertainty? Watch an inspiring expert talk moderated by financial journalist Matthias Georg Wabl.

00:00 Introduction of the topic and speakers
08:04 Predicting the future for 2021. Is the future very bright, and nothing can stop us from here?
15:35 What about inflation? How are central banks going to get out of helicopter money?
20:35 Is globalisation in retreat?
24:47 Smart, rich and possibly happy: What is the best investment for 10,000 Euros at the moment?
28:09 What other risks than Covid and climate change are there that nobody is thinking about right now?
35:08 What were the most accurate/worst risk predictions that you made in your life, and why did you get it right/wrong?
41:17 When do you say data collection is enough?
44:56 How much time should you spend on risk assessment in your personal life?
46:13 The upside risk - how do you turn risk into opportunity?
48:12 American approach vs European approach to risk. What’s the better approach to life?
53:03 Are men and women assessing risk differently?

#WienerBoerse250 #TheNext250 #FutureForum

As part of the 250th anniversary celebrations in 2021, the Vienna Stock Exchange has launched a Future Forum: In various formats, national and international experts will be discussing innovation, change and the economy of the future.

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