Proud moment for India - Asia's First Ever Artificial Heart Transplant

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Three-year-old Lev Fedorenk was brought to Chennai as he was suffering from a heart condition, which eventually required a heart pump

A hospital in India has become the first center to perform artificial heart transplant (Berlin Heart Implantation) on a child with heart failure.

Complex artificial heart implant procedure was done for the first time in Southeast Asia, Middle East& Africa (MESA) involving two artificial heart pumps known as ‘Berlin Heart’ to support both the right and left side of the heart of a 3-year old Russian boy, weighing 10 kg.

performed over seven-hour long marathon surgery in collaboration with engineering support teams from UK and Germany guided by state-of-the-art virtual technology due to travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 crisis.

A team led by Dr. K.R. Balakrishnan, Chairman & Director of Cardiac Sciences and Director of the Heart and Lung Transplant & Mechanical Circulatory Support Program at MGM Healthcare performed the procedure on May 25, 2020

Dr Balakrishnan said,“This was a huge challenge, given the prevailing circumstances. Berlin Heart will support the circulation of this child till the heart recovers or he gets a transplant. Post implant, The baby was kept under observation for a few weeks. The child has recovered remarkably well and has gained weight in a very short time and has been discharged from the ICU. He is doing absolutely fine now.”

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