Rainer Schuettler, From Top Tennis Pro to Entrepreneur

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Rainer has lived the dream of any young boy/girl who grew up playing and loving the sport of tennis. From starting at the age of 10 to going Pro at 18/19, getting to a Grand Slam Final, cracking the top 5 ATP Tour ranking and retiring with an amazing career behind him at they age of 36 and then becoming an Entrepreneur by buying a license for an ATP event. Rainer has lived it and been there and is sharing his thoughts, emotions and learning from his amazing tennis journey.

Key Highlights
1. Tennis professional by mistake – started playing at age 10
2. At 16-17 starting to take it serious, playing ITF Junior Tournaments around the world, getting on Junior World Ranking
3. His coach , Dirk Hordorff was instrumental in taking pressure off him and setting him up for a successful transition from Junior to professional player
4. Making the ATP Ranking at the age of 18-19
5. Learning from losing & winning , always look where you want to be 6 months in the future, improved ranking 11 years in a row
6. Dealing with losing every week (at least once)
7. Started early to learn other business beyond tennis from Coach
8. Toughest loss – becomes winning the Silver Medal in Doubles at the Olympics with Nicolas Kiefer later
9. Learning for business from his tennis career
10. Taking over the ATP World Team Cup in Duesseldorf, now ATP 250 event in Geneva, partnered with Ion Tiriac
11. His event also a Covid-19 victim and learning from this
12. Thoughts on tennis and the rest of the season
13. Life now, German Fed Cup Captain, his own event, attending the Grand Slams, etc
About Rainer Schuettler: https://marcusluer.com/podcast/episode-18-with-rainer-schuettler
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Interview with Rainer Schuettler: https://marcusluer.com/podcast/episode-18-with-rainer-schuettler
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