Ripple vs. SEC: Will XRP Relist on Exchanges?

64 Aufrufe
Prominent pro-Ripple lawyer Jeremy Hogan has stressed the significance of addressing the contentious issue of “secondary market sales” of XRP in the ongoing legal dispute between Ripple and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

On Monday, Hogan also highlighted the significance of resolving the question of whether XRP is inherently classified as a security, as both of these issues directly influence XRP’s potential relisting on exchanges and the overall outcome of the case.

“There has been discussion about how/if “secondary market sales” of XRP will (or won’t) be addressed in the Ripple case. It’s important because we are only confident XRP will be relisted on exchanges if the issue of whether XRP is inherently a security is addressed,” Hogan tweeted.

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